eLearning with Royal Canin Academy

When you know more, you can care more. That’s why we’re proud to partner with Royal Canin to bring FREE breeder education to our members.

Available 24/7, Royal Canin Academy features intuitive, easy to use courses, on topics like Maternity (whelping and newborn care), Nursery (weaning, socialization, diseases, and vaccination protocol), Adult (genetics, reproductive anatomy and mating process, pregnancy diagnostic and care), Isolation & QuarantineRun (benefits & design, risk management & parasite control), and much, much more!

With hours of digital content and resources, built in tracking and feedback opportunities, Royal Canin Academy has something for everyone - whether your new to breeding or have been involved in your breed for decades.


With more content and courses in development (by our members, for our members!), sign up today to join the Academy!

Registering Your Dogs & Litters with CKC Thumbnail

Registering Your Dogs & Litters with CKC

Registering your dogs and litters can seem like daunting tasks. This collection of video tutorials will help walk you through submitting registrations using our online Portal.

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Marketing & Advocacy Th

Marketing & Advocacy

Marketing: Why It's Important for Preserving Purebred Dogs, Breeder Advocacy: Our Current Environment and Why your Voice Really Matters, Breeding Ethics and Welfare, and more.

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With videos and resources on breeding topics ranging from preparing for pregnancy to raising and finding good homes for your puppies, this ever-growing collection of educational resources can support your breeding programs, producing champions in the ring, and in the homes of families everywhere.

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